Tuesday 18 September 2012

Organization Station

Since I've started blogging, I've come across a couple blogs dedicated to organizing, and I must say, I've been thoroughly inspired!  From I Heart Organizing, to Delightful Order, and Elementary Organization, these gals just bring up something inside of me that just wants to organize!  There was a time in my life when I was a neat freak.  My room was always meticulous, no clothes on the floor, the blinds open, it was beautiful.  Then one day, when I was still young, maybe 8 or so, I had someone over who spilt fruit juice on my carpet.  That fruit juice stained my carpet and my life.  Ahahah, we perhaps not so dramatic, but seriously!  After that incident I was never as clean as I was before, I think psychologically speaking, it had something to do with a feeling of lack of control.  Obviously there would have been more in my life than just that stain, I just associate it with being the tip of the iceberg.
Anyway, I've found that I've been better, not perfect mind you, but better.  When my parents went away for a week it seemed almost natural to take over the household chores.  I scrubbed the bathroom, swept the floor, and kept the kitchen clean (remember those fruit flies?).  So I knew I needed something for my room to keep me organized.

First off, I needed to organize my life.  So, I made myself a list of things I should be doing daily, weekly, and monthly.  I'm just now trying to figure out some sort of reward system for myself here.  I don't/can't eat anything at McDonalds so I don't even understand why I can't throw out coupons until they expire, haha!  And that other paper is for a future post!

And again, here's more life organization, work, classes, gym, all that good stuff.

And a weekly one, which I desperately need to edit.  This is from last month!  I made this with two Dry Erase peel and stick daily planners.  I used permanent marker to make lines so I could go by the half hour from 7am to 9pm, as I wanted to plan my days more efficiently than just writing down what's going on that day.  I need to see the open spaces so I can fill them!!  I got them at staples, for around $10 each.  Wall Pops have a ton of cute dry erase peel and stick products, and I believe that this is one of their products, but I had bought it at the beginning of last school year!  I'll update later with what my schedule looks like when it's not summer!

Now for my room,  First off, I have a very time closet and a whole lot of things, so I moved my clothes downstairs into the closet in the guest room, and left my closet for all my "things."  I have a couple hangers so I can easily access sweaters, and the two bottom holes in the left organizer hold my "current" clothes, PJS in one, work clothes in the other.  In the middle organizer I've got my workout clothes and some slippers, and on the left is a couple pj pants, work/pj tops, and yoga pants.  An AWESOME shoe rack on the left floor, and a shelf for my flip flops and my money jars.  That cheetah print on the floor in the right is my snuggie!  Up top is books from my previous school year, a memory box, and a clear plastic container with all my electronics in it.

Beside my bed I've used the rest of the shelf to hold a light and some other stuff.

I've just got to organize this thing now...

I really hate this thing and all these wires!  Any suggestions?

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