Sunday 16 September 2012

Oh, the things you can do with chalkboard paint!

I think I'm addicted to chalkboard paint.  Just saying the words "chalkboard paint" makes my mind start spinning with ideas of all the things I wish I could turn into chalkboards.  Obviously living with my parents seriously limits what I can paint, but if I could I would paint the inside of cabinets - for inventory, or meal planning. The front of the fridge - for reminders and a calendar.  The little bit of wall beside the front door - for last minute reminders before you head out.  Maybe it's because I have so many thoughts and I tend to forget them, but something about chalkboard paint is just so appealing.

My first dwabble in Chalkboard Paint was courtesy of Oh, Hello Friend, who had a post on making your own chalkboard paint and painting the lids of mason jars.  I use mason jars for everything.  I premake meals in them, I used them in my adventure to find a way to balance my budget (a la Gail Vaz Oxlade), I used them in North Bay to sort through my baking goods, so, as you can imagine my jar had lots of different writing on them, and it drove me crazy!

The pro to making your own chalkboard paint is that you can make it in any color you want!  The only thing is to make sure you take out the bigger clumps in the mixture before painting it on.  I'd also like to figure out a way to make my chalk sharper or something, because if you don't write carefully it's quite messy looking.

Next, I was sitting at my desk one day, when I suddenly thought I'd like to paint the side of my desk to put notes on it.  This time I went out and bought some chalkboard paint, so I wouldn't have to use up all my parents grout! Haha!

I may have gone a little crazy with the paint though, and I painted the top and other side of my desk as well.  I couldn't resist.  I thought painting the top would be great for when I have those random little thoughts that creep into my mind, and I thought I'd do the other side so that it would match, colorwise.

So I decided to put a little menu planning thing on the corner there, and above that is my Christmas list (which is pretty unimpressive and not a typical 20 year olds list, I'd say, seeing as how it consists of homesteading how-to books and coasters!)  Off to the left are my random notes, currently consisting of a using magnets to hold my kleenex box under my desk (didn't work), flip flop hangers (haven't tried yet), and a note to organize my white drawer system thing (one day...).  Those cute little containers and the towel rod I got from IKEA for a couple cents more than $10.  Soon they'll be up on the wall, I just hate having thing on my desk. 

And lastly just a little inspirational note for everyday, "You are stronger than you seem, braver than you feel, and smarter than you think you are."

That's it for chalkboard stuff right now!  But I was on a bit of an organization spree following this so I'll make a post about that too!

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